Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Procedure room Temperature for infants

My publications

Procedure room Temperature for infants

Some infants (birth to 12 months of age) develop complications soon after surgeries or CT Scan/ USG etc.

Therefore, Infants if kept in an AC room below 25° C without (less) clothes can develop life-threatening Hypothermia complications including shock, Respiratory distress- bronchospasm, Grunting, Convulsion, etc.
     When infants are to be Procedured upon pl. keep the temp of the room of OT, USG room, CT area, MRI area, audiometry, etc between 28-30° C and thereafter only receive the infant for a procedure.

Inj. Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) in Children

Inj. Paracetamol in Children

In Serious cases it is used as injection 5mg/kg/dose.
However, it is best avoided; as severe hypothermia reaction (cold skin and perspiration leading to hypovolemia, hyponatremia), shock and death has been associated within 3 hours of using inj. PCM in seriously ill children.
The death is presumed to be because of serious illness of the child; however paracetamol can be a contributing factor.
In children it should be used always as diluted by infusion or preferably not to be used at all.
It seems that in some cases high grade fever is not as harmful as inj. Paracetamol.